Le Plateau Piétonnier (French for "The Pedestrian Plateau")

in progress
$65 Million CAD
Le Plateau Piétonnier (French for "The Pedestrian Plateau")
A car-free public plaza in Montreal featuring retail spaces, public art, and green areas, promoting a vibrant and walkable community.

Le Plateau Piétonnier aims to transform a car-centric area of Montreal into a vibrant pedestrian plaza, prioritizing community interaction and green space.  The key challenge lies in balancing the needs of existing businesses with the desire for a more pedestrian-friendly environment.  Our solution involves creating a network of pedestrian walkways, incorporating public art installations and outdoor seating areas.  The project will also revitalize several historic buildings, transforming their ground floors into retail spaces that seamlessly integrate with the plaza atmosphere.  Le Plateau Piétonnier aims to become a model for sustainable urban development, promoting a walkable and social environment.


Total Plaza Area
10,000 sq m
Retail Space
5,000 sq m (value) (across renovated historic buildings)
Public Amenities
Public art installations, Interactive water features
Sustainability Features
Permeable pavement to reduce stormwater runoff
Limited on-site parking available (value) | Encouraging use of public transit, cycling, and walking.


Public consultations, finalizing design plans, and securing permits.
Spring 2025
Begin construction of pedestrian walkways and public space infrastructure.
Facade restoration and renovation of historic buildings for retail spaces.
Fall 2027
Completion of construction, installation of public art, and launch of Le Plateau Piétonnier.

Project Manager - Project Managers

super super

Stakeholder -Stakeholders

Member - Members

super super
shayan shayan
What do you have in mind?